Sarnoff’s Law Explained

David Sarnoff was a Russian born, American immigrant who was a pioneer in the development of both radio and television broadcasting. He was the founder of NBC (National Broadcasting Company). His one of the most popular hypothesis is known as Sarnoff’s law. He published a mathematical description from a broadcast and mass media age.

What is Sarnoff’s Law?  

In his law, he said that the value of a broadcast network is proportional to the number of viewers. The idea appears pretty simple and easy to accept. His law was consists of the following things – the more viewers watching, the more potential customers who can be reached by advertisers, the more advertisers. the more advertising revenue, Broadcast media.

His law was initially applied to the cinema screens and later on the television as well. Sarnoff’s Law states that the value of a network grows in proportion to the number of viewers. It is basically a straight line. The more viewers, the more value that particular network has.

Application of Sarnoff’s Law   

From the time of its inception, most audience measurement techniques have simply followed the Sarnoff’s Law. In some cases such as to count the unique users and visitors count of any website or social media site can also be calculated by applying the Sarnoff’s Law.

Limitations of Sarnoff’s Law  

Even though Sarnoff’s Law was one of the most famous hypothesis of its time. However, this law is a serious underestimation when you move out of his broadcast model. His law normally represents the one-way communications. Radio and television can only deliver content to social networks but not move it through the network. The value of a social network is the computer age intuitively requires a different logic. That is why in modern era Sarnoff’s Law does not fit in many areas.
